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Friday, June 29, 2012

day 15

goofing around, not sure what i want to workout on tonite...

rings deadhang - 3 x 30s

skin the cats - 3 x 5r

wallwalks - 10r, 12r, 10r

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

day 14

rings deadhang - 3 x 30s
rings inv hang - 1 x 60s
rings upright - 3 x 30s ( feels like i'm weaker )

handstands ( belly ) - 30s, 30s, 30s

ring rows - 3 x 5r

interrupted, have to do some pushups later...

Monday, June 25, 2012

day 13

it's a monday, and twas a longass day at work, my body needs some work now...
( my son joined me in the workout today )

rings deadhang - 3 x 30s
rings inverted - 3 x 30s
rings upright - 3 x 30s ( feet on a soccer ball, trying for greater TO )

calfraises - 1 x 100r
handstands ( belly to wall ) - 3 x 30s

ring chins - 3 x 5r
ring dips - 5r, 4r, 3r

sledgehammer & tire - 1 x 10r alt

Thursday, June 21, 2012

day 12

rings deadhang - 1 x 60s
rings inverted - 1 x 60s
rings upright - 3 x 30s ( feet on a soccer ball, trying for greater TO )

calf raises - 1 x 100r ( forgot to do them yesterday )


Monday, June 18, 2012

day 11

rings deadhang - 1 x 60s
rings inverted - 1 x 60s
rings upright - 3 x 30s ( feet on a soccer ball, trying for greater TO )
calf raises - 1set of 100reps
handstands ( belly ) - 30s, 30s, 30s

ring dips - 3 x 5r
ring chins - 3 x 5r

Saturday, June 16, 2012

goof day ( not counting )

got my gymnastics body book, and after flipping thru it,
i wanted to just goof around a bit with some of the progressions...
( not counting today in my SSC daycount )

kick to handstand ( back to wall ) - 3 x 10r
reverse leg lifts (HeS) - 3 x 5r
HeSPu negatives - 3 x 3r ( dropping onto 2 towels ) - almost ate it on the last 1

and today is the 4th day of 100 bodyweight calf raises ( an experiment )...

Thursday, June 14, 2012

day 10

rings deadhang - 1 x 60s
rings upright - 3 x 30s ( feet on a soccer ball, trying for greater TO )
rings inverted - 1 x 60s

negative MU transitions ( feet on soccer ball ) - 3 x 3r
sink pushups ( feet on kitchen sink ) - 3 x 7r
skin-the-cats - 3 x 3r  ( set the rings higher, nips, seem harder )
sledge & tire ( hit an old tire with a sledgehammer ) - 3 x 10r alternating

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

day 9

rings deadhang - 1 x 60s
rings upright - 3 x 30s
rings inverted - 1 x 60s

ring rows - 5 x 5r
ring pushups ( trying to do ppp's, feet on ground ) - 3 x 5r

Monday, June 11, 2012

day 8

fyi, just counting the gb days, for my steady-state cycle ( #3 )...

rings deadhang - 3 x 30s 
rings upright - 3 x 30s
rings inverted - 3 x 30s

handstands ( belly ) - 30s, 30s, 30s, 30s, 30s

ring dips - 5reps, 4reps, 4reps, 3reps, 2reps,  2reps ( 20! woo! )
ring chins - 5reps, 4reps, 3reps, 2reps, 1rep ( 15! wooo! )

( woo's are happy sounds, lol. )

Sunday, June 10, 2012

at the gym

my son and i went to the gym today...

squats - 5sets of 5reps, 135, 155, 185, 205, 225
clean & press - 3sets of 5 reps, 75, 75, 75

various db lateral raises - 3 sets

ab work ( he always throws crazy stuff together and kills me )


Friday, June 08, 2012

day 7

trying another volume day...

no warmup.

bar chinups - 10 sets of 3 reps
pushups ( almost diamond, 25lbs in backpack ) - 10 sets of 5 reps

handstands ( belly to wall ) - 30s, 27s, 25s  ( wow, i'm tired )

Thursday, June 07, 2012

day 6

rings upright - 3 x 30s
rings inverted - 3 x 30s
rings deadhang - 3 x 30s

going to a movie with the kids...

Wednesday, June 06, 2012

day 5

goofing off...

alt one-arm hang ( just swing side to side, not letting go ) - 10r, 10r, 10r
skin the cats - 3 x 5r

downdog pushups - 3 x 7r

that's it for tonite.

Tuesday, June 05, 2012

day 4

rings deadhang - 3 x 30s
rings support - 3 x 30s
rings inverted - 3 x 30s

ring dips - 3 x 5r, 3r, 3r, 3r, 1r ( just wanted to get 25 )  ;-)
ring chins - 5reps, 4reps, 3reps, 2reps, 1rep ( volume! )

handstands ( belly to wall ) - 30s, 30s, 30s

Monday, June 04, 2012

day 3

rode my bike for a few miles after work, just to get some blood pumpin...

rings support - 3 x 30s
rings inverted - 3 x 30s
rings deadhang - 3 x 30s

and i'm done.  got distracted.  darnit.